The School of Liberal Arts and Special Education (SLASE) comprises of Department of English, Department of Visual Communication, Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management and Department of Special Education. Under this school Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English, Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication, Bachelor of Science in Catering Science and Hotel Management and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in special education are offered
Warm Welcome to the Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management of Kalasalingam University, Started on 2015 a vibrant mix of faculties and well equipped laboratory, students had get exposure in industry during the training period. They will learn French, Koran Languages, excellence in each and every aspect has played an imperative role in the University. The Department offers various activates like guest lecture, Seminar, Conference, Workshops, cooking competition, paper presentation to encourage and motivate the young hoteliers.
The Department of Visual Communication was established in the year 2015. The Programme was designed to provide a holistic design education that incorporates technology, aesthetics and technology use of various media. It offers three year graduate Programme (B.Sc Visual Communication).
Visual Communication at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education is one of the very few private institutes in the country offering full-fledged graduate programmes with advanced infrastructure, a Comprehensive Curriculum, Skilled and Industrial experienced faculty and lively co-Curricular activities like theatre, dance, music, painting, Photography, graphic design with an ambience that encourages students to scale new heights in their areas of interest with a firm root in their social Sensitivity.
The programme focuses on media education with a fair understanding of other social sciences.
English Department is one of the principal Departments of Kalasalingam University. It has been quite effectively functioning from 1984, the year the parent of Kalasalingam University, AKCE was born. The Department attained an enormous significance ever since the Multi-National Corporations started recruiting young Engineering graduates with communication competencies. For the past fifteen years, there has been a new shift wherein the English Department lays a lot of importance on improving the communication abilities and also the soft skills abilities of the students in consonance with the Industrial needs. In this way, the English Department has directly and indirectly helped thousands of the Kalasalingam Engineering graduates secure lucrative job offers with fanciful salaries.
In order to fine-tune communication competencies of the students, the English Department imparts the various nuances of the English language such as, Pronunciation (especially the British Pronunciation with a neutral accent) and also Accent that help the learners master their day-to-day communication and also a sizable contemporary vocabulary very much needed for the emerging Industry.
Center for speech and hearing impairment – Kalasalingam University is the one and only Institute in the southern part of Tamil Nadu, which is offering quality education in the area of B.Ed Spl. Education in Hearing Impairment (SHIP). The prime motto of the course is to develop human resource to take care of the education for children with hearing impairment and other disabilities.
The students managed to develop 10 innovative products in 5 years. They have also got 23 patents and 55 publications under their name. The students have done wonders in the field of extracurricular
activities apart from academics. The students took part in many National and International Events” and bagged lots of medals. The students of the school of automotive and mechanical
engineering are offered a One Credit Course from the Industry and International Professors. The department invites resource persons from industries and abroad to handle one-credit
course in order to raise awareness and bring industrial skills to our students (15hours).