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Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

THE Impact Ranking 2025 – SDG 3

3.3.1 Collaboration with Health Institutions


3.3.2 Health Outreach Programmes


3.3.3 Shared Sports Facility


3.3.4 Free Sexual Health Care for Students


3.3.5 Mental Health Support Students


3.3.6 Smoke Free Policy


3.3.7 Mental Health Support for Staff


SDG 3 Report



Academic & Community Project

  • Experiential Core Design Build-Well Being

Main Problem Statement Title

“ICT Enabled Support to Elderly People” With the rising number of nuclear families in the state and the country, the elderly people are obviously suffering without anyone to take cae of their needs. So, to offer them the support that they need, we are going to explore the possibilities of using the ICT.
Human health and safety in terms of physical health, mental health and individual human beings is very important. The term does not encompass economic, aesthetic, or social values or the health of ecosystems as well as the safety. Safety needs represent the second tier in Maslow’s hierarchy and these needs include the security of body, of employment, of resources, of morality of family, child safety and of health.
3.9 By 2030, To substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination. “Designing of low-cost devices to make sure the health of Students and Faculty in the University campus is preserved”
By 2030 substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination. Biochemical strategies for the detection and detoxification/removal of toxic chemicals/contaminants in the environment.
There is limited preventive health care and services to promote optimal health and wellness, and avert worsening of squeal for children and adults with disabilities. Across the healthcare continuum, integrated approaches are needed to simultaneously address the many risk factors and conditions, as well as the medical, functional and societal limitations including determinants that influence the health and wellbeing of persons with disabilities.
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is turning into a serious problem for the general public’s health.. All causes of mortality are raised by sedentary lifestyles, which also double the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression, and anxiety. According to WHO, 60 to 85% of people in the world from both developed and developing countries lead sedentary lifestyles, making it one of the more serious yet insufficiently addressed public health problems of our time. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of children are also insufficiently active with serious implications for their future health. Moreover, peoples prefer work from home, online shopping and avoiding movement that makes them physically inactive, mental depression and it leads to serious health concerns.
Humans require a healthy way of life. Now-a-days diabatic had become a major problem in
our society even children are also getting effected with diabetic problems. The most common
diabetic signs are excessive thirst, blurred vision, weight loss, blood vessels and heart failure.
There are no appropriate medications to end the diabetic problem. Precautions must be taken
to identify diabetics. Due to diabetic’s eye, kidney, nerves, blood vessels and heart failure
mortality rate will be increased. Due to these effects people also will become a physically
challenged people. Hence for diabetics to continuously monitoring the eye vision, Heart,
Blood vessels, nerves and kidney are very important.
“Thyroid Hormone secretion and Metabolism”
Thyroid disease is becoming increasingly in men, women and children but commonly occurring among women over the age of 30. It causes heart problem, eye problem, and fertility and pregnancy problems over its effect for long time. It is a condition where there is Excessive secretion of T3 and T4 hormone.
“Care on children”
Parenting is not a Easy task. I is hard to take care of a children, Even Parents were taking care on children, at some point time all the parents were in need to do some of their work. At that time, the children may do anything that is harm to them. If any thing is there to moniter them 24*7, then it is well and good.
Preventive health for people of all ages is the order of the day. Awareness about taking precautionary care of oneself has to be enriched for better health of the society.
Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases all have mortality rates
Preventive health for people of all ages is the order of the day. Awareness about taking precautionary care of oneself has to be enriched for better health of the society.
There is a need for better surveillance methods or tools in public health to measure and track prevalence of disabilities and untangle congenital, acquired, and disability derived from chronic conditions. The American Community Survey adopted disability identifiers are helpful, however; since disability is a complex construct, additional identifiers are needed to inform research and promote scientifically sound interventions.Public health and policy professionals need to consider initiatives that will help reduce disability-related health disparities.
Recent digital development and globalization have contributed to companies needing to change or reorganize their processes to be competitive. As a result, companies have had to increase their revenue or production, which often means new working conditions for employees. When reorganization takes place for a brief time, it can affect employees negatively by not having time to get acquainted with the new working conditions and create a working environment that includes new obligations and increased pressure to achieve organizational goal. It can affect employees’ work-life balance as it can mean more work or overtime that in turn affects their private life, since they must work harder and need more time for recovery.
The world populations of geriatric people as well as those who live alone have been increasing over the years. In 2015, the number of geriatric people was nearly equal to 8.5% of the world population and it was estimated that it will increase to 12% and 16.7% by the years 2030 and 2050, respectively. Monitoring the home patient and keeping an eye on their health is a particularly difficult task in the routinely busy work. In order to save their lives in critical circumstances, elderly patients should occasionally have their health state checked and informed to the doctor. In the modern society, health monitoring is a major issue. Quiet people suffer the negative effects of true medical issues because of a lack of adequate health monitoring. To keep track of a person’s health, a smart health monitoring system must be implemented. If a system detects any unanticipated changes in the patient’s health, it will automatically alert the doctor.
To implement a Health Care system to Prevent human beings from diseases and illness
well in advance either by developing an app or by hardware kits.
Effective Hospital Management and Medical Waste Management System using Apps
Harnessing and conservation of usable water from the existing surroundings/environment.
Target 3.6
Halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
Indicator 3.6.1
Death rate due to road traffic injuries
Road safety is a matter of national importance since it has a detrimental effect on the public health and the welfare of all citizens. The majority of traffic accidents happen as a result of poor visibility, both during the day and at night. Glare, brightness, scattered light, inadequate light, light reflection, and the ability of the eyes to restore their normal vision are all elements that affect visibility. To address the poor visibility issues, proper road safety systems need to be developed. To avoid the deaths or injuries of road users, road safety precautions/systems must be implemented.
Monitoring system for Health Hazards due to chemical effects and electronic
Ways Your Heart is Trying to Tell You Something’s Wrong
“Your heart may be trying to tell you something is wrong.” Sometimes we don’t notice the signs of heart disease because they are subtle. Early symptoms may include tightness in the chest or shortness of breath. Other early signs may be pain or numbness in the arms, neck, jaw, and stomach. Some people have no symptoms at all and find out about it through a routine checkup.
To give treatment for heart disease, a lot of advanced technologies are used. In medical center it is the most common problem that many of medical persons do not have equal knowledge and expertise to treat their patient so they deduce their own decision and as a result it show poor outcome and sometime leads to death. To overcome these problems predictions of heart disease using various Deep learning algorithms and models are proposed.
A digitalization became a boon in healthcare. When there was a nationwide lockdown and COVID cases were on an accelerating curve, the digital versions of medical history and reports proved to be the best solution in the crisis. In fact, we were only able to help others remotely. There were so many cases coming up, where parents and kids were far, and they individually needed medical care, and that time their close relatives were not there to help with their medical history and reports. In the time of emergency, where there is an urgent need for healthcare services, the digitalization of health care ensures active delivery of the services to their consumers and citizens. Telecommunication, especially Internet-based technologies, plays a vital role in collecting health-based data to deliver and employ people. The healthcare sector is directly responsible for human well-being and health and needs continuous political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental up-gradation and development that only improves the system but also its effectiveness and efficacy. E-health services have a tremendous blow worldwide and have positively prepared us with more knowledge, healthcare accessibility and reduce the distance and divide in demand between patients and healthcare providers.
Air pollution is the largest cause of pollution deaths, responsible for about 6.5 million deaths,
according to The Lancet study. About 58% of air pollution deaths are caused by ambient particulate
matter pollution, emitted by vehicle exhaust, factory and power plant smokestacks, and crop and
garbage burning. About 39% of air pollution deaths are caused by household air pollution from solid
fuels used indoors for cooking and heating. The remaining 3% of air pollution deaths are caused by
ambient ozone pollution.
Accidental falls and physical inactivity are important age-related issues for which smart technologies have demonstrated potential utility. Not only for the elderly people, there are numerous issues to youngster security and primarily managing kid security from the dangers like missing, abducts also need to be monitored. Even in this modern era women are feeling insecure to step out because of increasing crimes in our country like violence, harassment, abuse, etc . All the above problems need to be monitored and tracked for the well being of the society. Smart automation can be explored for the benefits of combining wearable activity monitors and telecare for older adults, children and women.

OutReach Programme

State Level Volleyball Tournament for School boys and girls (11-01-2024)

The Department of Physical Education, KARE organized a State Level Volleyball Tournament titled, “Kalasalingam Memorial Trophy-2024” for the School Boys and girls at the University Sports Arena on 11-01-2024. Twelve teams from different districts participated and played with enthusiasm. Rajapalayam Nadar Higher Secondary School won the first prize and championship in the boys category. Govt Higher Secondary School, Hosur won the first prize and championship in the girls category. Mr. S. Chithambaram, Physical Director made all arrangements. Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj, Director (Student Affairs) distributed the certificates, medals and prizes.

National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme (NSS) wing of Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education organized a special camp for seven days during 28th November 2023 to 04th December 2023 in the following village regions (near to the University).

  • Malli
  • Sundarapandiam
  • Ammapatti
  • Muverivendran
  • Valayapatti
  • Kuppanapuram

About 500 students participated in the camp.


In a spirited initiative aimed at making a difference in their community, the Youth Red Cross (YRC) club successfully organized yet another blood donation camp on December 16, 2023. Held at the Kalasalingam Medical College and Hospital, this event exhibited the benevolence and solidarity of young adults who stepped forward to save lives through the noble act of donating blood. Shielded by the unwavering support of the professional staff, this event demonstrated the power of collaboration,

The camp, meticulously organized at Kalasalingam Medical College and hospital, not only provided a secure environment but also offered easy accessibility for participants. To ensure a smooth operation, the camp received professional support from Rajapalayam Government hospital, who played a pivotal role in overseeing the collection and handling of donated blood. The camp was initiated by the Vice president sir, Vice Chancellor sir, Registrar sir and Director Students Affairs. Nearly 166 students were participated and donated the blood. the camp was well organized by Dr. G. Kalusuraman, Faculty coordinator and Students members of YRC.

Sports Faciltities

Sports Policy


Health Services

KARE has a 24 x 7 Hospital for providing preventive and curative health care to the
students, residents of the University campus and the Public. Doctors are available round the clock to provide service.
350 beds are also available for providing immediate treatment to inpatients. The
institution also has a 24×7 ambulance service for the critical needs. All the medical
facilities are regularly maintained throughout the year.

Hospital and Services

Mental Health Services

Yoga SoP


Smoke Free Campus

List of targets and indicators


Reduce maternal mortality

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.1.1 : Maternal mortality ratio
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.1.2 : Skilled birth attendance


End all preventable deaths under 5 years of age

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.2.1 : Under-5 mortality rate
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.2.2 : Neonatal mortality rate


Fight communicable diseases

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.3.1 : HIV incidence
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.3.2 : Tuberculosis incidence
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.3.3 : Malaria incidence
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.3.4 : Hepatitis B incidence
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.3.5 : Neglected tropical diseases


Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.4.1 : Mortality rate from non-communicable diseases
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.4.2 : Suicide rate


Prevent and treat substance abuse

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.5.1 : Coverage of treatment interventions for substance use disorders
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.5.2 : Alcohol consumption per capita


Reduce road injuries and deaths

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.6.1 : Halve the number of road traffic deaths


Universal access to sexual and reproductive care, family planning and education

  • SDG INDICATOR 3.7.1 : Family planning needs
  • SDG INDICATOR 3.7.2 : Adolescent birth rate
    • TARGET 3.8

      Achieve universal health coverage

      • SDG INDICATOR 3.8.1 : Coverage of essential health services
      • SDG INDICATOR 3.8.2 : Household expenditures on health
        • TARGET 3.9

          Reduce illnesses and deaths from hazardous chemicals and pollution

          • SDG INDICATOR 3.9.1 : Mortality rate from air pollution
          • SDG INDICATOR 3.9.2 : Mortality rate from unsafe water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH)
          • SDG INDICATOR 3.9.3 : Mortality rate from unintentional poisoning
            • TARGET 3.A

              Implement the WHO framework convention on tobacco control

              • SDG INDICATOR 3.A.1 : Prevalence of tobacco use
                • TARGET 3.B

                  Support research, development and access to affordable vaccines and medicines

                  • SDG INDICATOR 3.B.1 : Vaccine coverage
                  • SDG INDICATOR 3.B.2 : Development assistance to medical research & basic healthcare
                  • SDG INDICATOR 3.B.3 : Availability of essential medicines
                    • TARGET 3.C

                      Increase health financing and support health workforce in developing countries

                      • SDG INDICATOR 3.C.1 : Health worker density
                        • TARGET 3.D

                          Improve early warning systems for global health risks

                          • SDG INDICATOR 3.D.1 : Health emergency preparedness
                          • SDG INDICATOR 3.D.2 : Bloodstream infections due to antimicrobial-resistant organisms