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Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education


The Kalasalingam Technology Business Incubator (KTBI) was established in the year 2015, which was started as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) with the support of NSTEDB National Science and Technology Entrepre-neurship Development
Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi. Students and faculty are motivated to convert their innovative ideas to product with the support of upto 010 Lacs from KTBI under IEDC scheme, which strengthens the entrepreneurial
ecosystem. To add the feather on the cap recently our KTBI is recognized by MSME under the scheme “Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSME’s through Incubator” with the fund support of 02.5 Crores. With the financial support
from the government scheme and from our institute, many startup companies have successful-ly graduated and established their company and in the position of offering jobs to many graduates. More than pat-ents are filed from the incubatees. Apart
from supporting the startups in converting the ideas to prototype and making them as successful employers , insti-tute provides the physical office space and mentorship to many startup companies in term of technical and financial pro-cedures.
Regular mentoring and training from the industry experts and experts from financial institutions are arranged for enhancement of the business opportunity and visibility of the startups in widespread. Also, our incubator is arranging various activities
and awareness camps related to Entrepreneurship, Technology-based Innovation, and Idea to Product contests for the students for many years. As an outcome of those activities, Mentoring and Funding, the students have started 10 technology-based
start-up companies in the last three years within the campus and they are started generating revenue income. Apart from the Financial Grants from the Government of India, our incu-bator helps in getting loans from banks to establish their companies
in a large set-up. And also. this Centre keeps on sup-porting the Alumni Entrepreneurs through various aspects through guiding them related to Technological-based problems to the solution, Marketing, and even Financial assistance.


To be a Center of Excellence of International Repute in Education and Research.


To be a Center of Excellence of International Repute in Education and Research.

Short Term Goals

To create the state of the art infrastructure facility with industry collaboration for the design and development of innovative products of national/international importance and societal needs. To create an entrepreneurial culture at the institution and
support other institutions in the region, to promote the objectives of IEDC& IIC. To inculcate a culture of innovation-driven entrepreneurship through student projects and encourage women to become entrepreneurs To respond effectively to the
emerging challenges and opportunities both at the national and international level relating to SMEs and micro enterprises To organize design contest, seminars, workshops, and short term courses to encourage students within the region to become
innovators and entrepreneurs

Long Term Goals

Establish collaboration with reputed Govt. Organizations, academic institutions, and industries and create a network that can enable students to actively participate and pursue their entrepreneurial interests. Carry out collaborative research and development
activities with a reputed international university, and set up the state of the art innovation labs that can help students to build their products. To promote business activities for self-funding

Expert Team-KARE


Implementation Committee


IEDC Completed Projects



  • Students & Faculty Members
  • SME’s and Startups
  • National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Department of Science and Technology Development Board (NSTEDB)
  • Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmadabad
  • MoE’s Institution’s Innovation Council
  • ISBA – Indian STEP & Business Incubator Association
  • Unemployed youths
  • Ministry of Micro. Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation, Chennai
  • Startup India


  • Total Funds Sanctioned : Rs. 4, 10, 50, 000 /-
  • Received Rs.14 Lakhs cash award from DST for the best contribution of our startup Nidhi and Entrepreneurship activities in 2017-18.
  • Received Rs.2 Lakhs cash award from DST for the best contribution of our startup Nidhi and Entrepreneurship activities in 2018-19.
  • KARE got MHRD approval for Establishing Institute Innovation Council in Our Innovation Cell in 2018-2019 and got a 4-star rating for our Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Startup activities.
  • 15 student startup companies have functioned on our University campus.
  • KARE was one of the Top 100 institutions in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)-2019.
  • Approved as Business Incubation from Ministry of MSME, grant worth of Rs.2.5 Crores.
  • KARE was one of the Top 25 institutions (Deemed University-Band A) in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)-2020.
  • We have 150 alumni entrepreneurs


Internal and external mentors forthe following trust areas with expertise in different domains giving mentorship to the in-ternal startup and external startups.

  • Biotech & Biomedical
  • Renewal Energy
  • Waste Management
  • Mechanical & Automation
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Agriculture

KARE Start-Up Policy

Faculty members and students of KARE are occupied in knowledge discovery and dissemination. Wherever possible, the outcomes from R&D exercises carried out by our members are expected to get translated into commercial products. KARE encourages enthusiastic
faculty members to start companies, be on the committee of companies in positions such as Di-rector, Chairman, CEO, Technical Advisor, etc. While allowing such a role, KARE assumes that faculty members will make all efforts to balance
their academic responsibilities. The general guidelines for the start-up activities are listed below.

  • KARE raises funds for start-up support and provides incubation support on both financial and non-financial basis based on the merit of the project proposal.
  • Not exceeding the number of days of non-institute activities. a faculty member may take a sabbatical leave (one semester or an academic year) for working full-time in the business or appropriate/pool the days allocated for consultancy work to the company.
    Faculty members are required to support their start-up/company managerial engagements without affecting his academic engagements on full-time active duty in the institute. This will also apply to the students/employees
    involved in these activities. A faculty member should clearly distinguish on-go-ing institutional research from work being conducted at the company.
  • Trainees, fellows, and students can be assigned to research projects that will lead to a direct -financial benefit for the faculty member or company with appropriate permission from KARE.
  • By paying the necessary overhead charges. a faculty member can get permission to run a project that could be conducted at KARE and could be managed through her/his company.
  • KARE permits the use of laboratories, library and other such facilities by the founding KARE member. In return for services offered (space, laboratories, library mentorship. seed fund, accountant, and legal and patent support) and use of facilities at
    KARE or KARE’s incubation unit may take 2 to 9.5% equity/stake in the start-up/company incubated. In case of staff is drawing a salary from KARE, KARE’s stake/equity on start-up is limited to 20% of the total share of staff
    or 9.5% of the total stake, whichever is the minimum.
  • KARE does not interfere with the IP rights for the technology developed by the company; however, liability-free equity may be retained by the institute based on the use of the KARE resources. If the fund and/or resource of KARE used substantially, then
    IPR should be made jointly by KARE and inventor and license together and revenue sharing among the parties.
  • In case of a conflict of interest, the Vice-Chancellor can appoint a five-member review committee to check the appropriateness. The decision of KARE would be final and binding.


Startups Incubated in Kalasalingam TBI

  • NAV Mufflers Pvt .Ltd
  • IWO Biosciences Pvt. Ltd
  • SKIM Biotech Pvt. Ltd
  • Yugti Smart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Ringarr Biocontrol Pvt. Ltd
  • Raj Bioelectronics and Intelligent Pvt. Ltd
  • Minniayal Pvt. Ltd
  • Compimero Makers Pvt.Ltd
  • Thaaniyal Pvt.Ltd
  • M/s Optimum Energy Solar System
  • M/s JAMES
  • M/s I-Cookery
  • M/s IRK Manufactures
  • M/s PSM Enterprise
  • M/s Vimal Innovation and Manufacturing System

Products Commercialized through Start-ups

S.No Innovation / Start-Up Name Department Founded by Name of the Co-Founders Name of the Co-Founders
1 Minniayal Pvt. Ltd Electrical Student Saurabh Kumar Sharma, N Ragupathi Muthu Solar Inverter
2 SKIM Biotech Pvt. Ltd Biotech Student G Santhana Krishnan, Shwetha Selvam Keratinase Enzyme | YakaTi Yaha K Soft
3 Raj Bioelectronics And Intelligent Pvt. Ltd Biomedical Student N Pothirasan, V Muneeshwaran, Raja Sudharsan R Bipolar electrosurgical generator | Intelligent Home
Automation | Water Level Indicator
4 Ringarr Biocontrol Pvt. Ltd Biotech Student B Rakshana, Adhvidha Pf2 act for Onions | Pf2 plus for Cardamom | Pf2 Humic for all
crop plants


  • Shared working office space with workstations.
  • University department/ research labs/equipment.
  • International Research Centre
  • Mentoring and negotiating with the suppliers for the material
    required by students and startups in idea develop-ment.
  • Internal funding on potential ideas on assessment and
    recommendations by mentor panel.
  • Proper networking and establishing business contacts for startup
  • A fab-lab facility to ideate & test the concepts &
    product developments made.


Kalasalingam TBI & Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development
Centre frequently arrange programmes & activities to motivate and
encourage students to become potential entrepreneurs. Aspiring &
Alumni Entrepreneurs Meet (AAEM), Entrepreneurship Orientation and
Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP), Faculty
Development Programs, Technology Entrepreneurship Development Programs
(TEDP), hackathons, boot camps, ideathons, etc are the varied events
that are promoted within the campus to extend the number of start-ups
consistent with student ideation during a group or as individuals. KARE
IEDC & TBI takes an active role in celebrating the events like
Innovation Day, Start-up Rendezvous, World Entrepre-neurs Day, etc to
frequently inhibit and encourage the studentpreneurship within the early
stages and participate in exter-nal competitions on Ideation, Product
Developments, Start-up events at the national level and international

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC)

To create awareness among faculty and students of Engineering and
Science courses about various facets of entrepre-neurship as an
alternative career option as also to highlight the merits of pursuing
such an option.

Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)

To train the S&T graduates and the diploma holders in the essentials
of conceiving, planning, initiating, and launching an economic activity
or an enterprise successfully.

Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP)

A Technology-Based EDP primarily focuses on the training and development
need of S&T entrepreneurs in a specific tech-nology area (for
example, Leather. Plastic, Electronics & Communication, Fragrance
& Flavour, Instrumentation, Sports Goods. Biotechnology, IT Computer
Hardware, Food Processing, Bio-medical Equipment, Glass & Ceramics,
Jute Products, Sustainable Building Materials, Herbs & Medical
Plants Processing, etc.). The participants are provided with hands-on
training in indigenous technologies developed by R&D institutions
that are available for commercial exploitation.

Faculty Development Programme (FDP)

A Faculty Development Programme (FDP) is designed to train and develop
professionals in entrepreneurship development so that they can act as
resource persons in guiding and motivating young S&T persons to take
up entrepreneurship as a career. Through each FDP, 15-20 faculty members
of Science and Engineering colleges, Polytechnics, and Entrepreneur-ship
Development Organisations are trained for 2 weeks.

Financial Support

Firstly, we get financial support from our Institution management. We
get support from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of
India, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad , and
we also get finance from the Ministry of MSME. , Entrepreneurship
Development Institute of India, Ahmadabad provides financial support for
conducting entrepreneurship awareness program, technology
entrepreneurship development program towards entrepre-neurial promotion
for students and faculty members under the scheme “DST-NIMAT ” grant
worth Rs.14.80 Lakhs. Depart-ment of Science and Technology provides
support for the Idea to the Product development program for students
under the scheme of IEDC grant worth Rs.45.30 Lakhs. They also support
Product commercialization for students Start-Ups under the scheme
“Start-Up NITHI ” grant worth Rs. 1.04 Crores. Ministry of MSME gives
support to the start-ups, SMEs, and stu-dents team for the Product
commercialization process under the scheme “Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial De-velopment of MSMEs through Incubator ” grant worth
Rs.2.5 crores. The government of Tamilnadu supports the start-ups and
SMEs for the Product Development and commercialization process under the
scheme of “Innovation Voucher Pro-gramme ” grant worth Rs 2 to 5 Lakhs
through Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai.