Tamil Mandram celebrated PAAVAI VIZHA and PONGAL VIZHA on 12.01.2024 at Dr. K. S. Krishnan Auditorium. Dr. C. Sangeetha, Coordinator of Tamil Mandram welcomed the dignitaries during the inaugural function. Dr. S. Narayanan, Vice Chancellor delivered a special address about Poet Andal, Tamil culture and Tamil tradition. Dr. V. Vasudevan, Registrar delivered a felicitation address. Ms. S. Azhagu Meera, Student Co-ordinator gave the vote of thanks. In this occasion, events like, Thiruppavai Oppuvithal, Uriadi, Kabbadi, Balloon Breaking, Pongal Preparation, Senthamizh Selvan and Senthamizh selvi were conducted for the students. Around 300 students were participated in this event.
National Road Safety Week in India is observed from 11 to 17 January. The week is dedicated to promote road safety measures to prevent road accidents.
To commemorate the National Road Safety Week, NSS Unit of KARE has organized an awareness programme on ‘Road Safety’ in co-ordination with the Police Department on 11-01-2024 in the Administrative Block Seminar Hall. The Police officials trained the students about the significance of following road safety practices like wearing seat belts, avoiding rage driving, wearing helmets, abstaining from drunk driving, etc. Many students attended this programme. Mr. Muthukumar – Inspector of Police, Krishnankoil circle distributed the participation certificates to the participants. Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj, Director (Student Affairs), Mr. S. J. Kabilan, Assistant Director (Student Affairs) and Mr. T. Rajpradeesh, NSS Co-orinator have made all the arrangements.
Safe and affordable housing
Affordable and sustainable transport systems
Inclusive and sustainable urbanization
Protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage
Reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters
Reduce the environmental impacts of cities
Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Strong national and regional development planning
Implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction
Support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building