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Live link for Teachers feedback

Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education



Feedback Form for Teachers on Curriculum, Course, Teaching-Learning Process and Assessments

Dear Teacher,

We will be thankful to you, if you can allocate your valuable time to fill this form and give us your valuable suggestions for further improvement in the Curriculum, Syllabus, Teaching, Learning and Evaluation. Your valuable responses will be of great use for quality improvement of the academic programs, and hence will elevate the credibility of the University.

S.No Parameter Questions Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
1 Curriculum How is the weightage of credits for courses based on course content and contact hours?
2 Curriculum How are the theory and practical components in the curriculum balanced?
3 Syllabi How do the syllabus satisfy the needs of the students for employability, entrepreneurship, and higher studies?
4 Syllabi Rate the exactness of mapping of course content with PO and SO
5 Syllabi How does the course content improve student’s knowledge and perspective?
6 Teaching Rate your freedom to adopt new teaching methodologies / pedagogy
7 Teaching Availability of the reference materials to students for the courses in the library
8 Teaching Attainment of minimum course outcomes specified for the course
9 Assessment About your freedom to adopt new modes of assessment to evaluate students learning
10 Flexibility About your freedom to bring changes in curriculum and syllabus through proper channel
QuestionID Question Response
244 Any other comments

Teacher details
