To provide support for enhancing and enriching access to the full range of information resources in multiple formats and services required to improve the quality of teaching,learning and research through collaboration,resource sharing,and advocacy.
To lead the campus in acquiring, organizing and accessing scholarly resources and creating facilities required to achieve the mission of the Institution.
The Central Library was started along with the institution in the year 1984. It is a two storied building built on a built-up area of more than one lakh square feet and fully air-conditioned with the seating capacity to accommodate more than 1000 users at a time. It functions between 9.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.m. Stacking of 1 lakh+ books in various domains to meet the institution’s objective of providing high-quality education is available. Also, a CCTV security system and a fir alarm system for protection against fire are available. The library subscribes to 288 periodicals in print at national and international level. Besides, the library has 4348 bound volumes of periodicals, 408 Ph.D. theses, 5927 Project Reports.
E-resources comprising of 4900+ e-journals from IEEE, Science Direct, DLINE, SAGE etc and 85000+ e-books from Springer, ProQuest and ScienceDirect are subscribed. Access to Scopus, India Business Insight Database, RAxter Research discovery tool, and DELNET discovery portal is facilitated. Video and web courses developed by IITs under NPTEL have been procured and online access to the contents is provided. Institutional Digital Repository – has been created using Open Source Software ‘DSpace’ for disseminating the scholarly contents created at our institution and online access is provided. The digital versions of the Ph.D. theses submitted to the institution are uploaded in the INFLIBNET Shodhganga repository, a reservoir of Indian theses, to provide seamless access to the research community. Plagiarism detection systems such as DrillBit Extreme and iThenticate are made available for promoting the authentic, genuine and quality research works. Remote access facility is provided to the subscribed e-resources through Shibboleth authentication to access them outside the campus
The library provides an evolving technology environment with effective tools and services for the discovery and delivery of information to our users and comfortable space for individual study and learning, equipped with appropriate infrastructure. A separate E-Library has been established to enable the users to browse the e-journals, e-learning materials, digital library collections of this campus etc. A Separate Media Resource Centre (MRC) is available for accessing the audio and video resources. Printing, reprography and document scanning facilities are made available. Discussion room, own book reading, video conferencing cum virtual learning hall facilities are provided.
Newspapers are subscribed in English and Tamil languages to keep our users abreast with the news and current affairs of the national and international importance.
Library services have been automated through Library Automation Software ‘KOHA’, a full-featured Open Source Integrated Library System (ILS). It is browser-based, interactive, user-friendly software, designed to meet the user’s needs.
The services provided by the library include lending service, reference service, Inter Library Loan (ILL), Internet and WiFi service, Current Awareness Service (CAS), audio visual service, eLearning service, remote access to e-resources, WebOPAC, printing, repographraphy and Scanning, information literacy programmes, plagiarism detection service etc.
The Library working hours are as follows:
Working days: 9.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Saturday: 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
The library is closed on Sundays and other notified holidays.
Journals & Magazines
Theses/Project Reports
Arrangement of Print Resources
IEEE-ASPP | IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It provides a wide range of quality publications and standards that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among technology professionals. These essential contents are delivered through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. | Click Here to Access |
ProQuest | Ebook Central (S&T) provides seamless and immediate access to around 50000+ eBooks in Science and Technology discipline. | Click Here to Access |
Science Direct | ScienceDirect provides seamless access to high-quality books and journals across topics and disciplines. | Click Here to Access |
SAGE | SAGE is the world’s 5th largest journals publisher and it publishes more than 700 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 300 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions. Out of these, our institution is subscribing the following 7 journals from SAGE. Journal of Entrepreneurship Journal of Human Values South Asia Economic Journal Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Journal of Emerging Market Finance International Journal of Rural Management ‘Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers |
Click Here to Access |
DLINE Journals | DLINE as a major computing portal focuses on research and development in computing sciences and technology with three major services such as Journals in Computer and Information Sciences, Conferences in Computer and Information Sciences, and Research in Computer and Information Sciences. | Click Here to Access |
Springer E-Books | Springer is the world’s second largest STM publisher, delivering high quality peer-reviewed journals and books through its acclaimed online service – SpringerLink. We are subscribing about 1182e-books (2014 copyright year) for engineering stream. There is No limit on the number of concurrent users or the number of downloads. | Click Here to Access |
India Business Insight (IBI) | India Business Insight (IBI) is a comprehensive online-research tool that offers rare and rich insights into developments in Indian Business and Industry from a local and global perspective. | Click Here to Access |
Derwent Database | Derwent Database is helpful in finding the most relevant patents, remaining life of patent, novelty , review results, and spot global litigate activity. | Click Here to Access |
South Asia Archive | The South Asia Archive is a specialist digital platform delivering access to the collection of 4.5 million pages of culturally and historically significant literary material produced from across the Indian subcontinent from 1700 to 1953, | Click Here to Access |
Other Resources |
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Encyclopedia |
Dictionaries |
Government Organizations |
Government Websites |
Other Useful Websites |
Publishers |
Government Holidays |
For Staff
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For Students |