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KARE Open Source Society

Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

KARE Open Source Society (KOSS)


To become a highly-reputed society of practicing research and innovative ideas in the domain
of Computer Science and Engineering


1. To encourage the quality of research and innovative ideas in the domain of Computer Science and Engineering through conducting various levels of competitions over national and international
and collaborative ventures with other societies and organizations

2. To inculcate research activities, innovative skills, leadership quality among students and delegates so as to meet the industrial and organizational expectations

Motive for the Society

There are several reasons why the establishment of an Open Source Society is important. The Open
Source Society can…
…allow students to cultivate their interest in Computer Science and Engineering in an informal
environment, without the pressure of being graded.
…reinforce the relevance of Computer Science and Engineering to students’ everyday lives.
…introduce students to the possibility of future study or employment in Computer Science and
…offer students the opportunity to serve their community.
…expand students’ leadership skills by conducting demonstrations, lab activities, or community
outreach events.


OSS Student Officials

Sl.No Designation Name of the Faculty
1 Faculty Coordinator & Mentor Prof. R. Raja Subramanian, Stream Coordinator/ AIML
2 President N.V.Anand Sai Kumar, AIML
3 Vice President B.Kumar Srinivas, AIML
4 Secretary B.Karthik Taraka Sai, AIML
5 Tresearer K.Sai Pawan Reddy, AIML
6 Event Coordinators S.Malleswar Rao, A Parimal, AIML
7 Media Coordinators B.Mohan Mahesh, N.Harish, AIML
8 Research Coordinators L.Manoj Kumar, Jayasri, AIML
9 Project Coordinators B.Gnana Sampath, L.Ravi Kiran, Hema Sai, P.Nithish, AIML

Event Details & Reports

Software Freedom Festival – Episode 1 – Ideathon


Software Freedom Festival – Episode 2 – Model Craft


Software Freedom Festival – Episode 3 – Project DevelopmentFinale


Software Freedom Festival – Episode 4 – Grand Finale


Software Freedom Festival – Extension Activity


Event Details & Reports


Code Combat 2k23 in collaboration with Code Chef



Charter Official

Prof. R. Raja Subramanian,

AIML Stream Coordinator,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Founder and Charter Official

Prof. R. Raja Subramanian,

AIML Stream Coordinator,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education