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Admissions Open 2025-26

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Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

B.Tech-Chemical Engineering


To be a department of global renown advancing contributions of chemical engineering to society through excellence in education, research, and social responsibility


The Department of Chemical Engineering is committed to

(1) Provide outstanding education thereby educating engineers empowered with excellent technical and leadership skills, integrity, and social responsibility

(2) Create novel and sustainable solutions to serve public interests and to address global challenges in key areas such as energy and environment


Established in the year 2014, the department of Chemical Engineering currently offers B.Tech Programme in Chemical Engineering. Chemical engineering is the broadest branch of engineering, educating professionals to design, produce, operate, and monitor chemical industry processes, as well as the production of chemical processes for transforming raw materials or chemicals into useful forms, such as those used to extract chemicals from waste materials, in order to allow large-scale manufacturing. It blends chemistry and engineering knowledge for the manufacture of chemicals and by-products. This branch of engineering is broad, encompassing everything from biotechnology and nanotechnology to mineral processing. It includes a wide range of chemical technology fields such as mineral-based manufacturing, petrochemical plants, pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibres, petroleum processing plants, and so on. The syllabus is thoughtfully designed and systematically aligned to the global standards emphasising the fundamentals, the scope of the discipline, and the necessary flexibility in applying the fundamentals in a broad range of contexts. The department has experienced and trained faculty to impart knowledge in this specialized field.

Program Collaborator

S.No Name Designation & Institution Outcome
1 Dr.. T. Kannadasan Principal, Hindustan College of Engineering, Coimbatore Resulted in 4 Journal Publication
2 Dr.M. Thirumarimurugan Professor & Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore Resulted in 4 Journal Publication
3 Dr. P. Sivakumar Pandit Deenadayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar Resulted in 4 Journal Publication
4 Dr. T. Subburaj Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Resulted in 4 Journal Publication


Curriculum & Syllabus

B.Tech. Curriculum

2021 Curriculum


2018 Curriculum


2015 Curriculum


Through the integration of knowledge and skills acquired through the academic courses, extracurricular experiences, and faculty expertise, the graduates of the Chemical Engineering Program will

PEO-1 – Become successful whether in their chemical engineering profession, in advanced studies in engineering or science or in other complementary disciplines;

PEO-2 – Assume leadership roles in industry, business and/or their communities;

PEO-3 – Contribute to the economic environment of their communities; and

PEO-4 – Further develop career skills through life-long learning

PSO 1 – UNDERSTANDING: Graduates will have an ability to describe, analyze, and solve Chemical Engineering problems using mathematics and systematic problem-solving techniques.

PSO 2 – ANALYTICAL SKILL: Graduates will have an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired Chemical Engineering needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

PSO 3 – BROADNESS: Graduates will have a broad education necessary to understand the impact of Chemical Engineering solutions in a global, economic, and societal context

Research Capability

The department is equipped with research centres such as the Centre for Composite Materials, Centre for Advanced Thermal Studies, Centre for BioComposites, and Centre for Surface Engineering for students to carry out in-depth research activities and learn practically which helps the undergraduate students to get exposure and experience in the advanced machines. The department has funded research projects in the area of Optimization Studies, Composite Materials, Machining Studies, Supersonic Flow, Heat transfer, and CO2 sequestration by DST, DRDO, AICTE and International funding agencies. The department receives regular funding from many prestigious organisations working in the field of Science and Technology. The department currently has 9 ongoing research projects with total funding of INR. 1,81,67,690 and completed 12 research projects with total funding of INR. 234.6 Lakhs. The department has 100 publications published under their name.



Funded Projects


Key Recruiters
