The Sherlock Holmes Club of KARE orchestrated a poignant and engaging event in commemoration of Human Rights Day on December 16, 2023. Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj, Director (Student Affairs) spoke about the important of human rights during the inauguration function. The programme was rich with activities that not only honoured the essence of human rights but also encouraged active participation and reflection on pertinent issues.
The programme also included several activities inspired by Human Rights such as-
Write for Rights: The club initiated a ‘Write for Rights’ campaign, urging attendees to craft impactful letters advocating for individuals whose human rights are under threat. This activity aimed to amplify voices and raise awareness about pressing issues.
Speech Sessions: Engaging speeches were delivered by students into the complexities of human rights violations and the significance of collective action.
Art Exhibits: A captivating showcase of artwork revolving around human rights themes.
Photography Exhibition: A poignant collection of photographs that captured the essence of human rights struggles and resilience
The event generated enthusiastic participation from attendees, fostering a sense of unity and shared commitment to championing human rights. The activities facilitated meaningful engagement, encouraging individuals to empathize with human rights issues and consider avenues for advocacy and change.
The programme was co-ordinated by Ms. Kehkashan Habeeb (Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science).
Kalasalingam School of Law, KARE organized ‘Human Chain Activity’ in commemorationcof National Human Rights Day on 12th December 2023. The primary goal of the human chain activity was to foster a sense of unity among students,faculty, and staff while emphasizing the significance of upholding and protecting human right Our School of Law's human chain activity during National Human Rights Week was a resounding success, fostering unity and promoting awareness about the importance of upholding human rights. This initiative not only contributed to the commemoration of the national event but also left a lasting impact on the participants, encouraging a continuedcommitment to human rights principles within our university.
Reduce violence everywhere
Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence
Promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice
Combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows
Substantially reduce corruption and bribery
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions
Ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making
Strengthen the participation in global governance
Provide universal legal identity
Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms
Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism
Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies